Faux Stone Fireplace Designs

Cast or faux stone fireplace designs provide a very realistic, cost effective and convenient alternative to natural stone. Cast stone has been used to create fireplace mantels for  hundreds  of  years  and, due to the higher cost of natural stone, is as popular today as ever.  Ongoing developments in mixing formulas,  as  well  as in casting and finishing techniques, have made it virtually impossible to discern top  quality cast stone from its natural stone counterparts.

faux stone fireplace

Though specific mixtures and casting techniques of-
ten differ from one manufacturer to the next,   cast
stone is essentially a mixture of finely graded aggre-
gates such as limestone, marble, granite and quartz,
silica sand, and an agent to bond it all together. Ex-
tremely durable and versatile,  it  is  available  in  al-
most any color,  texture and finish,  and can closely
replicate a vast array of natural stones ranging from
limestone, bluestone and slate . . . to granite,  trav-
ertine and marble.

One age-old cast stone type enjoying a resurgence in popularity is Scag-
 a mixture of crushed marble, limestone and travertine.    Principally developed by Italian monks in the 17th century,  it  is  barely discernable from hand carved quarry stone.

From a design standpoint, cast stone mantels are available in nearly every traditional style . . . . . as well as most contemporary styles.  Much of the intricate detailing typically found in hand carved period styles can  be  du-
plicated in cast stone . . . . . as can the elaborate overmantels frequently found in Old World designs.

Much lighter in weight and far easier to install then natural stone,  the re-
alistic  look  and  lower cost of a cast stone mantel makes it an affordable alternative  to  a  natural stone surround.    It's a great way to get a real stone look without the cost!

Regardless of the overall look and feel you're aiming for,  you'll  find a vast array  of  available  faux stone fireplace products that will give you a very realistic natural stone appearance at a fraction of the cost.   Not only will you save on the cost of the fireplace mantel or surround,  itself,  but  due to  the  lighter  weight  of  cast stone,  labor costs will be significantly re-
duced  because  you  won't  need  any additional footings or structural re-
inforcement to  support  your  new  fireplace surround!

faux stone fireplace

Francois and Co -
Reviving the Renaissance...and Beyond!

faux stone fireplace

Precast Stone Fireplace Designs -
Faux Naturale!

faux stone fireplace

Man Made Stone Fireplace Mantels -
Artfully Cast!

faux stone fireplace

Stone Fireplace Photo Gallery -
An All Star Cast!

faux stone fireplace

Fireplace Mantle Stone -
The "A" List Of An All Star Cast!

faux stone fireplace

The Faux Stone Fireplace -
Extraordinary Custom Designs!

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