Stone corner fireplaces are very popular today and are -- in a most literal sense -- the cornerstones of a room. Whether the stones are round or flat, smooth or roughly textured . . . . . or a combination of varying sizes, shapes and textures . . . . . . a stone corner hearth has a commanding presence. The wide range of stone types, shapes, sizes, textures and colors provides a virtually infinite number of design options and opportunities . . . . . whether hand stacked, hand cast, or hand carved.
Corner Hearth at Ralph Lauren's Colorado Ranch
As a result of the current trend in downsizing due, in part, to the aging empty nester baby boomer population,
many homeowners are seeking ways to make the most efficient use of less space. Whether in new construction or retro-fitting an existing home, a corner hearth is a great
way to maxi-
mize the use of a room's available square footage. In addition, placement in the corner increases the visibility of the fire from virtually anywhere in the room and provides a rock solid anchor, as well as a stunning focal point!
The Hobbit Fireplace -
Settle IN with Tolkien!
Corner Stone Hearth Designs -
Cornering The Market!
Standout Corner Hearth Pictures -
Stone Style!
Corner Hearth Design Ideas -
Rock Solid!
Stone Corner Hearth Designs -
Vastly Versatile!
More Corner Hearth Designs -
Bricks & Stones!
Stone Corner Fireplaces -
Cornerstones Of A Room!
The Country Stone Corner Hearth -
Cozy, Casual & COLOSSAL!
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Standout Stone Corner
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Vastly Versatile!
Corner Fireplace Design
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Stone Corner Fireplaces
Cornerstones of a Room!
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Stone Style!
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