Stone corner fireplace designs continue to be exceedingly popular today. Extremely versatile, they can be crafted from a wide range of stone types in an almost limitless array of sizes and configurations!
Design above by Phillips Development
Their corner positioning efficiently maximizes the use of a room's space and enhances the view of the
flames in the
firebox from almost anywhere
in the room. Clearly the focal point of any space it occupies, a corner fire-
place design
also lends itself well to the efficient spatial arrangement of furniture in the room.
As shown in the numerous images below -- most of which were captured by the talented folks at Roger Wade Studio -- the variety of different looks that can be created is nearly unlimited. Though predominately traditional in style, the design diversity is wide and varied.
For example, the stone texture in the following two designs is dramatically different. On the left, the
relatively flat and smooth surfaces of the split-
face stones contrasts sharply with the more rounded stones
and deeply recessed mortar joints between each stone in the design on the right.
Similarly, the two designs that follow exhibit a relatively smooth and flat surface with rather unique
coloration (left), versus a more textured look with deeply recessed joints between the stones (right). However,
the example on the right uses a very calculated combination of stone sizes and textures within the same design.
For example, the stones at the base are larger and more substantial -- becoming progressively smaller as they
rise -- with small rubble stones reaching toward the ceiling. In addition, large smooth-faced, wedge-shaped
stones, called
voussoirs, accentuate the top of the firebox opening for dramatic effect. Note also the double wood man-
tel shelves in the
example at left, while the design on the right is com-
pletely devoid of a mantel shelf, so as not to obstruct the
hand-crafted beauty of the voussoirs above the firebox.
The beautiful corner fireplace design that follows -- though relatively sim-
ple in form -- is "framed" by
a magnificent series of massive peeled logs ex-
tending skyward and stained a deep, rich brown color. Tying it
all together is a matching log mantel shelf supported by large round log corbels, or "brackets."
More Rustic Wood Fireplace Mantel Shelves
The two corner fireplace designs pictured below are very different from one another, with each having a
uniquely distinctive look all its own. The de-
sign on the left has an almost "Kiva-like" appearance with a
beautiful ar-
rangement of river stones at the base and extending upward to surround the arched firebox opening.
Though less colorful, the stones used to craft the soaring example at right are creatively arranged to produce
two an-
gled piers with cap stones that flank the firebox opening -- lending a great deal of architectural
interest and a very balanced look to the overall com-
More River Stone Fireplace Designs
More Kiva Fireplace Designs
Once again, the two designs that follow provide a contrast in stone size, shape, color and texture. On the
left, dark split-faced stones with a rela-
tively smooth finish in random shapes and sizes are used to create this
striking floor-to-ceiling design. Conversely, the light colored stones in the design pictured on the right are
much more uniform in shape, size and po-
sitioning, but have a more textured appearance.
The examples pictured at right and below demonstrate the versatility of corner fireplace designs relative to
room type. In addition to their place-
ment in living rooms, dining rooms
and family rooms -- as shown above
their efficient use of space makes them viable candidates for bath-
rooms, bedrooms (right), and kitch-
Not to be ignored, a corner unit in an outdoor room presents a great deal of versatility in placement and a virtually unlimited range of opportunities to create a uniquely personal fire space for you and your family!
Please check back often or subscribe to our RSS feed, as we fre- quently add new images of stone corner fireplace designs to our site.
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