Corner Gas Fireplaces...
Savers of Interior Spaces!

Corner gas fireplaces are great space savers that can help to bring an otherwise dull and ordinary room to life . . . . . . .

corner gas fireplaces

corner gas fireplaces

Because  they can often fit into tight corners that are unable to accommo-
date most furniture,  they effectively utilize space that would otherwise be rendered unusable.

In so doing, they provide a focal point in what may have previously been the most unlikely of places.

corner gas fireplaces
corner gas fireplaces

Highly visible, they - and the fires contained within their fireboxes - can be viewed from virtually any angle in the room.      Furniture can be easily ar-
ranged to both maximize traffic flow and seating area around the hearth.

corner gas fireplaces
corner gas fireplaces

In addition to custom installations, a number of manufacturers now make prefabricated units specifically designed to fit in corners. Typically prefab, or  zero clearance,  models are made of metal and can be safely installed within close proximity to combustible materials such as wood framing mem-
bers. Many prefab units are also available with optional fire brick linings for their fireboxes to give them a custom masonry look.

corner gas fireplaces
corner gas fireplaces

Whether a custom masonry or prefab installation, the fireplace surround can be finished with a vast array of materials including wood, stone, brick, stucco, concrete, and ceramic or glass tiles.

corner gas fireplaces
corner gas fireplaces

corner gas fireplaces
corner gas fireplaces

corner gas fireplaces
corner gas fireplaces

In addition, self-contained units fabricated from metal, or metal and glass, are also available.

corner gas fireplaces
corner gas fireplaces

The convenience and "vantage point" advantages of a corner hearth make it an easy and surefire choice for rooms that are under utilized. Corner one today and ignite your room with a blast of fresh air and renewed zest!

corner gas fireplaces

Please check back often or subscribe to our RSS feed,  as  we  fre- quently add new photos of corner gas hearths to our site.

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Stone Corner Fireplaces

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