Contemporary Corner Fireplace
For Gas Designs

A corner fireplace for gas unit is a great way to go, especially if you're looking for a "less than conventional" or a very contemporary design . . .

Though traditional styles of corner fireplaces are equally attractive, many - albeit not all - of the ready made contemporary style units are easier and faster to install.

corner fireplace for gas

For example, many of the metal contemporary fireplaces are vent-free and come "pre-finished," requiring little more than a gas connection.

corner fireplace for gas
corner fireplace for gas

corner fireplace for gas
corner fireplace for gas

corner fireplace for gas

Even many corner fireplaces that do require a flue are direct vent units that can be vented horizontally through the wall to the outside and do not require a chimney.

corner fireplace for gas
corner fireplace for gas

corner fireplace for gas
corner fireplace for gas

With proper flue size and connections, some can be vented vertically (i.e., Class B) through an existing chimney.

corner fireplace for gas
corner fireplace for gas

corner fireplace for gas

A contemporary corner hearth for gas is a great way to make a dramatic design statement.   One that can often be installed relatively quickly and easily. And one that will provide many years of enjoyment for you and your family!

corner fireplace for gas
corner fireplace for gas

corner fireplace for gas

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